It’s Monday morning and you wake up, go to school, go home, eat and change, go to practice, come home, shower, and finish homework. By then it’s almost 11 p.m. and you want to stay up because you’re dreading doing it again for the next four days because you’re already exhausted. In my opinion, having four days a week of school instead of five would be so much more beneficial for students. Students are put under stress a lot during the school year, but having three days instead of two to catch up would make life easier. I think having an extra day would increase sleep, grades, and moods of students, especially high schoolers. In the 2021 article titled, “4-Day School Weeks: New Research Examines the Benefits and Drawbacks”, it discovers the need and helpfulness of a four day week. “Students in the four-day weeks spent significantly more time on school sports and on chores than did those in five-day weeks, ” author Stephen Sawchuk states. “Four-day secondary students also spent more time on homework, at jobs, at school activities, and on hobbies than their counterparts.” For instance, student athletes go from school to practice and games around three times a week, getting home around 10 p.m. or later. This leaves no room for homework, spending time with friends and family, or even working. However, those who spend the same amount of time working show results of not having any time either. Typically a lot of students like to have a day to relax, one to hang out with friends and family, and one to reset their lives for the week. Yet, with only two days there is no time to do all of these things without becoming mentally exhausted.

Studies have shown that schools with only four day weeks present students with so much extra time as well. The article also proves that having time to do homework and study more would make students feel more relieved instead of rushed and not ready. I think this would impact mental health positively a great amount. I think students would enjoy their high school experience a lot more and be more energized to learn with this extra day presented. With all of the stress put onto high school students, I believe we are deserving of time to put ourselves first and prioritize mental health during this stressful time in our lives.