A lot of students struggle with staying on top of all their classes during their years at school. Sometimes students are better at English than science, however, managing all these different subjects is still hard no matter what they are good at. Homework, extracurricular activities, and being at school for such a long period of time can cause students to fall behind. Students are exhausted and forces them to perform worse than if they were well rested. Even though all of these factors play such a huge role in staying on top of all student’s classes, there are many ways it can be overcome to ease some of the stress and burdens. Teachers and top students have encouraged their student and peers to stay afloat with these small tasks.
1. Ask teachers questions
Mr. Cullen, the AP English teacher at Rochester High School, as well as Mrs. Murray, an advanced math teacher at RHS, said their biggest advice to students was to talk to teachers. “The students who benefited the most throughout the year are the students who come to me and ask questions,” Mr. Cullen stated. He continued on this by explaining that he never feels bothered when students want further insight or help with something they are struggling with. Mr. Cullen just wants students to be willing to talk to him and other teachers because it shows a lot of growth. “I love when students ask questions as a teacher,” said Mrs. Murray. “It proves to me that they are paying attention and want to understand.” Mrs. Murray shared that she appreciates if students ask questions not only when the homework is being discussed, but also during Rocket Time if needed. Both of these teachers who teach more advanced classes shared the same advice, so it can definitely cause a difference in students. Following this advice will also make it easier for them to stay on top of assignments.
2. Have an agenda or a place where everything is kept track of
Claire Carley is ranked number 3 out of the entire senior class. Claire runs cross country, is one of the drum majors, and participates in band and madrigals too. She is in many clubs as well; she has a lot on her plate with all these extracurriculars and her schoolwork. She shared her biggest advice to students struggling with staying on top of everything. “I like to have an agenda because it’s satisfying to cross things off.” Claire shared, “I like to have a physical copy of everything I need to do all in one place.” All students would benefit from having somewhere to keep track of everything because everyone forgets something once in a while. However, with an agenda, it’s all in one place. It only takes a few minutes and eases anxiety later. Ana Luiza, a student who was previously struggling, wrote her advice on how to stay on top of classes. “Make a schedule everyday before you start studying,” Luiza shared. “This will help you avoid procrastination since your time is limited and it will prevent you from having to study for a long, undetermined amount of time which could overwhelm you.” Making a schedule goes hand in hand with having an agenda. Both go against procrastination, which is a huge issue with teenagers all over the world. Mapping out a schedule and writing all assignments down will definitely provide a way to avoid procrastination. Mr. Cullen and Mrs. Murray shared that they either had an agenda in school or that they should have had one. This will help students to worry less that they are forgetting something or don’t have enough time to do everything.
3. Take notes in class and participate
Both teachers stated that they see the most benefits will students who take notes. “It’s always good to take notes, pretty much over everything we discuss.” Mr. Cullen stated, “This makes it easier when we come to a test with this information.” Mr. Cullen’s class speeds up a lot compared to other advanced English teachers. There is a lot more stuff to keep track of, but he prepares students for tests with the discussions he does in class. He explained this is why it is important to take notes all of the time, not just when it is required. Mrs. Murray emphasized: “I think it’s good to always be participating in the instruction and ask questions while notes are being taken.” Especially in a math lesson, asking questions about things you don’t understand is super beneficial. First off, this will clear up confusion about future homework and tests, and second there are probably other students with the same questions. Then, of course, taking notes comes with asking those questions. Mrs. Murray shared that students just need to stay engaged during instruction for sure. Claire also finds herself paying the most attention when she takes notes during class. Claire voiced: “Taking notes helps me know what to look back to and keep everything organized.” Taking notes in class can have so many benefits. Most students who take notes have an easier time with homework and studying because they have something they can look back to. Talking to teachers, keeping an agenda, and taking notes in class are three ways that teachers and top students suggest to stay on top of classes. Struggling with staying on top of your classes is taxing, but doing these three little things can benefit students, ease their stress, and keep them organized.