In the 2023-24 school year, the new journalism class, Rocket Recap, made its debut. Initially open only to seniors, the class offered students a unique opportunity to explore the world of journalism by diving into different genres of news writing and creating personal portfolios. As the year unfolded, Journalism Teacher Theresa Meier and Instructional Coach Traci Johnson realized they could create something much bigger over time.
By the end of its inaugural year, the success of the class led to a significant decision by the school’s curriculum committee: Rocket Recap would evolve from a senior elective into a full-fledged program open to all students, freshmen through seniors. The hope is that students will return year after year, building their skills and contributing to the growing legacy of Rochester High School’s student journalism.
Now in its second year, the program welcomes students from all grade levels. Though everyone is starting from scratch, excitement is high as they begin a comprehensive journey through journalism. The class follows a structured curriculum, with each unit focusing on a different genre of journalism. This year’s students have begun their work by mastering the basics of news articles, which are now posted on this website. Soon, they will move on to feature writing, followed by other styles such as opinion pieces, investigative reporting, and more.
But Rocket Recap isn’t stopping with just the written word. The course is designed to expand students’ multimedia skills as well. Later in the year, students will dive into podcasting and video broadcasts, adding modern skills to their storytelling abilities. As they progress, their work will be featured on this website, giving the community a front-row seat to the growth and creativity of Rochester High School’s budding journalists.
This year is only the beginning. While all students are learning the fundamentals, future years will see sophomores, juniors, and seniors contributing immediately, with freshmen building their foundation in the introductory course. Developing a robust journalism program takes time, but Mrs. Meier and Dr. Johnson are committed to seeing Rocket Recap soar in the years to come.
As the program grows and students’ skills sharpen, this website will continue to evolve—so bear with us as we build a hub for Rochester High School’s journalism program. We look forward to sharing the journey with you.