Modern art often provokes strong reactions. Some celebrate innovation in creation, while others criticize it as incoherent or meaningless. But in a world that is constantly evolving, modern art stands as a bold voice for human creativity, challenging us to look further than appearance and engage with ideas that defy past ideas of what art should be, expression, and meaning. To dismiss contemporary art is to reject progress and imagination.
Art is extremely relative, it never fits in a box no matter who tries to make one. It is a form of self-expression, a way to show one’s feelings or make comments in today’s world. IESA (Institut d’études supérieures des arts) a Parisian international art school explains how art can help someone create a narrative or dialog for their views. As the world is forever changing, art will always reflect that. Whether it’s the good or the bad, the beautiful or the ugly

Contemporary art, or Modern art rejects traditional practices and offers a new way of seeing and thinking- think Pablo Picasso or Claude Monet. Modern art is normally thought-provoking. You need to think deeply about what the artist is trying to convey just a few squares can have a strong message. It is important not to judge a piece of art before knowing the true intent behind its creation. For example, Flag I, or Dragged Flag by Teresa Margolles, is a flag dragged through blood, dirt, and other substances at the sites of murders around the northern border of Mexico. It is an exhibition of the violent deaths that are products of drug cartels carrying illicit drugs from Mexico to the United States. It is a disgusting site, first appearing as just a dirty piece of cloth, but when you learn the meaning you can’t help but think deeper.
Many are quick to judge art at first glance, especially more complex pieces of modern or contemporary art. However, it is important to learn how to view the art and understand what its purpose is before forming an opinion. Art is subjective and means more to some than it does to others. But to judge art for something as little as appearance is what will paralyze the art movements of today.