Food prices went up in 2024 compared to 2023. The food prices at Rochester High School went up because of inflation. The drink prices did not really change all that much, while the price of food and candy either increased, decreased, or remained the same.
With the inflation of the last couple of years, it is no surprise that prices have changed significantly. Unfortunately, the cafeteria food had to adapt to the rapid inflation. With prices of food items going up or down, the cafeteria prices just had to change with it.
According to last year’s official Rochester High School cashier price sheet, all drinks cost about $1.50 to $1.70. This year, all drinks cost between $1.50 and $1.70 still, effectively staying the same. But, the price change for the food is quite noticeable.
The cashier price sheet also shows that the price of entrees was exactly $2.50 (excluding pizza, subs, grill meals, and taco salad). This year, some of the entrees cost about $3, an increase of 50 cents compared to last year’s prices. Pizza cost $3.85 on last year’s cashier
price sheet. This year, pizza actually costs only $3, a decrease of 85 cents.
Other foods, like the Rocket Line meals and salads, remained the same prices this year as they were last year. One surprising increase of price are the cookies. Two cookies cost only $0.80 last year. This year, they now cost $1, an increase of 20 cents. This is surprising because the school bakes the cookies themselves. Other sweets and candy remained the same, like the Little Debbie and Hostess Snacks. All candy still costs $1.30 as well. Fries also remained the same price, $1.

Inflation in the country is a pretty serious problem, driving the prices of school food up. Overall, the changes are not that crazy, but they are an example of how much of a problem inflation is. It affects something as little as the price of school food.