An improv show featuring the RHS Drama Club themed after Halloween will be held one night only, Sunday, October 20th, at 5:00 p.m, in the high school auditorium. It is expected to feature audience participation with members of the audience being asked to give scenarios or characters for the group to use in their performance. Visitors are asked to wear their favorite Halloween costumes for the performance to go along with the theme. Tickets are $5 and are bought at the door.
According to drama club director Sydney Geyston, “The Drama Club is newly revived this year, so the officers have been working hard since last May to come up with this show.” The group has been working on the project for a while. “The club as a whole has been practicing since the start of the year and they have all played an important part in the planning of the entire performance,”Geyston said.
The club has only done things like plays and musicals so far, and any comedy routine is new to them. “They have not done any improv shows in the past so they are working really hard to learn these skills!”, said Geyston. The group is very much looking forward to the
performance. “I am very excited for their performance! I love to see how creative the students are and watch them grow their skills in acting!”
The RHS Drama Club. along with their instructor, are ready and dedicated to test their new skills in improv with their first improv show ever, and they are excited to share it with the community.